10 Inspirational Quotes to Start Your Day
Do you need a little inspiration to start your day?
We all need a little extra inspiration when our path is no longer clear.
Here are some of my favorite Inspirational Quotes and what they mean to me. Of course, they may mean something completely different to you, but that’s what makes them good quotes.
When you have a fixed mindset you can’t believe anything will be different than the reality you live in. Some people live their whole lives this way and are left to wonder if that’s all life is meant to be when it nears the end. Change your mindset to one of growth and you will become much more than you are.
This has very similar growth mindset connotations. It’s what’s inside your head that controls your world. When you change your thoughts you begin to believe a different reality.
Your actions today may impact others in the future. Be the sort of person that makes positive lasting change and someone in the future will look back and appreciate your work.
Not a lot of deep thinking here, but if your gut feeling is telling you one thing and your head is telling you another. Always trust your gut feeling first.
When you’re not doing the work you love, you’ll see more obstacles in your way that might seem like walls you can’t get through. However, when you’re following your passion all the walls will seem like doors and present an unlimited amount of opportunities for you.
This one is a little cryptic, but essentially it means, look for a path created by the people that have gone before you. The world is full of iterations, which means it’s likely there are mistakes you can learn from.
If you aren’t good at inventing, making or coming up with original ideas, perhaps your talent lies in spreading the words. That ‘thing’ also needs someone to talk about and promote it.
When you’re looking forward your past will always be behind you. Just keep moving forward.
Again this is encouraging a growth mindset. When you confront your fears, you are likely to grow from the experience.
Don’t live in the past, just learn from it. Holding onto the past today will stop you moving forward to tomorrow.
Wow, I kinda feel all inspired just reading those quotes again. But the thing with quotes is you need to keep being reminded of them to get the full benefit from the message.
Your brain is trying to keep you safe and comfortable, so you need to challenge it over and over again, for it to understand this is the new direction you are heading in. Remind yourself of the quotes you resonate with on a daily basis.
Do you have a favorite Inspirational Quote you’d love to share? Then let us know in the comments below.
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