How to start a blog in Australia
I was socialising at a meetup group the other night and when they found out I was a blogger, people asked How do I start a blog in Australia? Of course, I’m thinking it’s just like setting up a blog in any other part of the world, but replied with, “Do you want a free blog […]

Blogtober Week 2 – Roundup Post
Wow, another week has passed so time for another Blogtober Roundup. However, it seems much longer than seven days since the last one? Does time moving more slowly during Blogtober? I suspect it is, because usually it would have taken me a few months to push that much content out from this blog. Yes, I get […]

Do you Know these Common Blogging Terms
If you’re new to blogging, you’ll discover a whole myriad of new blogging terms to learn, but what do they really mean? I’ve put together a definitive list of common blogging terms so you know what’s what in the blogosphere. It’s the blogging glossary to end your confusion. Plus, it’ll help me to refer you […]

How to Host a Blogging Party
Can you imagine being a blogger but lack the real motivation to get started? Maybe it’s the fear of failure that’s holding you back? Blogging can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t need to be if you’re blogging with your friends. Instead of that next girls movie night, have a Blogging Party instead. Would you […]

How to Stop Analysis Paralysis
Nobody likes the feeling of being wrong so instead would prefer to deliberate over the outcome for days only to discover they could have made a better decision anyway. Sound familiar? Well, this is a classic case of Analysis Paralysis. Imagine you’re working for the bomb squad and have to disarm a deadly weapon, and have […]

Treat your blog like a business, not a hobby
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘blog’? Perhaps you’re thinking it’s a place where moms share stuff about their kids, or a place where people write about their travels or maybe it a place where people keep a diary of their day-to-day lives. If these are the thoughts that come to […]

Stop Suffering for Your Art
I was originally going to write a post about the ‘X’ ways to improve your Art through blogging but seriously you don’t need another ‘X’ excuses for inaction, do you? Instead, I’ve decided to make this a RANT POST. Yes, I’m angry and need to get this out of my head. [RANT BEGINS NOW…] You see it really […]

What do you need to know to Start a Blog?
Learning how to start a blog can be as easy as following a simple set of instructions. However, when you start your own blog there is more to do than you might think. Sure it seems easy enough at first but then you realise there are many other things to consider. For instance you’ll need to choose […]

7 Key Steps to show you how to Create a Business Blog
So you’ve got a business website and have finally decided you want to stop paying for all your traffic. Maybe someone told you that a blog is the best way to generate organic traffic while providing you with another communication channel to your customers. They were right. You see a website once indexed in Google […]

Blogtober Week 1 – Roundup Post
Ok, I know I’m cheating a little by doing a roundup, but not everyone sees your messages every day so it’s good to give your readers somewhere they can reference all your blog posts quickly. A roundup is a quick way to add value during Blogtober. That said this roundup is nearly 1200 words long, […]