Why you must start your blog today
I was recently reminded of a great TED talk from Simon Sinek titled ‘How great leaders inspire action‘ and the companion book ‘Start with Why’. And this got me thinking about why I strongly believe in blogging. Sure I’ve answered the ‘What is a blog‘, and How to start a blog questions but what I sometimes forget […]
Are you building a successful blog?
If you’ve read a few of my posts you’ll know I love a good analogy. So when I found this photo I just couldn’t help myself. No, really I couldn’t. I just had to write something about this picture. Ok, the graffiti is mine but who wants to look at a boring wall anyway. When […]
Do you need a WordPress Sitemap?
Are you wondering if you still need a sitemap for your blog or website? Although I do come to a conclusion towards the end of this blog it’s important to know a little more about sitemaps first. Unfortunately, the answer is no longer black and white, so you’ll need to make your own mind up. What […]
How to use Canva to create free images for blogs
There are a number of graphical editing tools available online and if you’ve got the budget you’d probably be using a professional tool like Adobe Photoshop or turn to GIMP if you are penniless. But, these tools do take some time to master. So what if you quickly need to create a professional blog post image […]
Are your blog headlines awesome enough?
Are your Blog Headlines inspiring your readers to click through to your website? You see when you finally get ranked on the first page in Google search results you still have one more hurdle to clear. Yes, your headline needs to grab the attention of your potential readers. It seems like an obvious statement now, but […]
How to easily create a favicon for your blog
So you’ve just set up a new blog, installed an awesome theme and written your first blog post, but then you look up at your browser tab and see an ugly default icon that you never put there, but what is this called? It’s a favicon. What is a favicon? Favicon Definition – an icon associated with […]
Can you blog every day without getting writers block?
Blogtober has finally arrived and with very little preparation and a GMT +10 hour penalty I’m clearly ahead of the pack when it comes to publishing a blog post a day for the entire month of October. On the flip side, I’ll be one of the first blogs over the finish line, but that’s 31 days away […]
Free Twitter Images specially designed for Blogtober
Blogtober is almost upon us and I wanted to share the images I’m using for my twitter feed during this month of blogging. I thought it would be useful to have a standard template so people instantly recognise it’s part of the same series. Plus, I think it looks cool to have a calendar countdown during […]
Are you blogging in Blogtober?
Yes, Blogtober is almost upon us and it’s time to sharpen those blogging pencils. Hang on! What? You can get blogging pencils? Well actually no, but when you let your creative mind wander, all sorts of interesting thoughts come out and blogging ideas flow much easier. If you need some more blog post ideas then […]
How to turn your passion for Facebook into profit
Imagine spending your day on Facebook searching and sharing the things you love and then going to sleep at night and money keeps rolling into your bank account. Sure, it might be small amounts at first, but over time this grows. Sounds great doesn’t it, but how can you do this when Facebook doesn’t pay you […]