Increase your organic traffic with this easy to use tool
There are over 100 million searches in Google every month so why aren’t people visiting your website? How do you increase organic traffic to your blog? Well if you were like me, you just haven’t figured out how Google Search works yet. Sure you’ve used it thousands of times but have you wondered how Google […]
I hate my WordPress themes provider for being too awesome!
I know, it’s a shallow first world problem to have, but the company I use for my professional WordPress Themes is just doing too good a job. Yes, Themify I’m talking to you! You see I started blogging using the free templates widely available for WordPress but soon discovered I was missing that ‘thing‘. You […]
What is WordPress?
If you’re investigating your options for launching a website for your business, creating an e-commerce store, making an affiliate marketing site or publishing your own blog, you’re bound to have already run across the term “WordPress.” What is WordPress? WordPress is one of the most popular tools for creating and managing websites online. In fact, […]
What is speed blogging?
In an age where Content is King, getting those words on the page is just as important as what words you choose. Yes, your readers will demand more and more content as you become popular. This even caused one mommy blogger to quit, because the expectations of blogging became too much. We’d all like that […]
Should you use Facebook Comments Plugin in WordPress?
Comments are the life blood of a blog and yet it’s taken me several months to implement a comments system, why? Although I cherish the engagement opportunities that commenting brings, I also know that moderating comments can be a huge time suck and I just wasn’t prepared to commit any time during the early stages […]
Basic Blogging Tips for WordPress – Disable Comments
Have you just started a new blog and are already receiving too much SPAM? Well, I feel your pain and just wanted to let you in on a little secret. Yes, you can turn your WordPress comments off. And I think this is a smart idea when you’re just getting started with your blog. Why? When you […]
How to Write Blogs with Great Copy
Blogging can help you establish your expertise in your chosen niche or promote your business, but only if you’re able to craft winning copy. The way that you communicate your message matters just as much as the information the message contains. After all, you want readers to be captivated by your text, anxious to keep […]
Are you being mislead with Free Blog Hosting?
Can you imagine, starting a blog, putting your heart into it, giving it hours of your attention, only to find you’ve taken the WRONG PATH? Would you rather spend a little time learning about your options before committing yourself to Free WordPress Blogging? If this is you, then please read on… The Problem With Free […]
Are you looking for a Free Adwords Coupon, Australia?
Yes, aren’t we all. You’ll find cheap hosting companies like iPage and Bluehost will offer a few different marketing bonuses to sweeten the deal with a Free $100 Bing and Google Adwords Coupon but it’s not until you read the fine print that you realise it’s only if you live in the US or Canada, which […]