Blogtober Week 2 – Roundup Post
Wow, another week has passed so time for another Blogtober Roundup. However, it seems much longer than seven days since the last one? Does time moving more slowly during Blogtober?
I suspect it is, because usually it would have taken me a few months to push that much content out from this blog.
Yes, I get distracted with other blogs, so I’m learning a few things during this month. It’s been a tough week but I’ve managed to push out some good work I’m proud of and still have some unfinished draft’s that I just can’t get over the line. Maybe this is my week to shine.
Anyway, let’s get started on the roundup…
Blogtober Day 9
Just in case you’re wondering where Day 8 is, I left it out because it was the Roundup Week 1, which kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
Anyway, Day 9 was all about creating a business blog. I’d wanted to talk about business blogs for a while because this notion of having a 5 page website for your business is a little old school and blogging for a business is the new way to engage your customers. That said I published this post…
7 Key Steps to Show You How to Create a Business Blog
It’s quite remarkable to see how the business blogging landscape has changed and how companies are spinning off separate domains for their blogs as we see with Samsung.
I’ve also wanted to address the business blog idea because I still visit small business web pages that just advertise products. Unfortunately, people are looking for more from you and a blog is a great tool for businesses to use as an extra communication channel to their customers.
Blogtober Day 10
In this blog post I shared my ‘Launch A Blog’ Checklist that’s included for free as part of the 7-Day Jumpstart Program. It’s much too valuable to be sitting and waiting to be discovered. It’s actually something you can use before you start a blog because it helps you work out what your plan of attack is going to be.
What do you need to Know to Start a Blog
It’s full of great advice and I recommend printing one out, anytime you are starting a new blog.
Blogtober Day 11
Oh, it had to happen eventually, my first Rant Post on this blog. I was considering leaving this for my one of my other blogs but I managed to tie it back into starting a blog after the rant was over.
This one was written for the struggling artists out there that just don’t believe in themselves enough. I think it comes with the creativity territory, but it doesn’t need to be like that
Stop Suffering For Your Art
You see a blog is perfect for a busy artist and can help you do more of what you love. The blog is another tool to sell and promote your art and should only take a few hours of your time each week.
It’s time to stop suffering and wake up to the opportunities that still exist in the blogging space. But be quick, places are filling up fast.
Blogtober Day 12
Still on the business theme, it’s important to start treating your blog like a business and not a hobby otherwise all those hours you are putting into it are going to waste. Yes, if your dream was to blog and become even a little bit popular then you owe it to yourself to step up.
You see the professional bloggers are dominating page 1&2 of Google search results and this leaves very few crumbs for the Hobby Blogger.
Treat Your Blog Like a Business, Not a Hobby
The post then goes on to list common mistakes that bloggers make and there’s quite a list. Overall it’s a 2000 word post and full of goodness for the new blogger and the hobby blogger that wants to get a little more serious with their blog.
Blogtober Day 13
Day 13 was a little set back for me as my blogging streak was starting to waver. I was over analysing what I needed to do over the next few weeks so it got me thinking about Analysis Paralysis and how to stop it.
It turns out that just answering a few simple questions was enough to get me back on track.
How to Stop Analysis Paralysis
The procrastination I was experiencing was because I hadn’t determined what was important and how much time I should be spending on each topic or task. Yes, it’s easy to over analyse your blog posts, but you must publish them to keep moving.
Blogtober Day 14
On this day I had a trip the dentist scheduled for some root canal work and to be honest, I just couldn’t finish the post I half-finished the day before so I pulled out an old draft that I never got around to posting.
It was introducing the idea of a blogging party. And no I’m not talking about a linky party with all your blogging friends, I’m talking about a real party with your local friends.
How to Host a Blogging Party
You see your chances of success improve greatly when you have other people making you accountable for your blog, so why no get a few girlfriends around and all start blogging together.
Perhaps your goal is to take a break and go on a short holiday with each another. A blog can get you that holiday if you get off to a good start and take the right steps forward.
Sorry about the image but I thought I’d have a little fun with it and party it up a little.
Blogtober Day 15
And that brings us to yesterday and the mega list. Yes, I’m often using terms that are common to bloggers but might be unfamiliar to you, so I’ve put together and exhaustive list that covers everything from ‘Above the Fold’ to ‘Youtube’ and everything in between.
I’m sure I’ve missed a few blogging terms, but that’s ok because this list is intended to be updated periodically.
Do You Know these Common Blogging Terms?
If I’ve missed a few terms that you want added then let me know and I’ll add them. Otherwise, it’s a good resource for you to use as a reference when faced with those not so familiar blogging terms.
So that’s my Roundup for Week 2 of Blogtober and I’ll be the first to admit it’s been a tough one. Although I had the best intentions to start with a few blog posts in the bank, it hasn’t worked out that way.
However, I am grateful I’ve managed to knock off a few posts already and have surpassed my efforts over the last few months, so it’s been worth pushing through.