Blogtober Week 3 – Roundup Post
Well this roundup couldn’t have come at a better time, because it’s already late in the day and I was only just sitting down to write something for Blogtober.
Now I’m too close to the end to give up on my writing streak so this should be an easy one to pump out.
That said these Roundup Posts still seem to be more than the 1000 word mark as I reflect on the work completed during the past week.
So grab a coffee or tea and sit back and get your Start a Blog summary for this week.
Blogtober Day 17
Ok, I’m guilty of finding a few free music sites for a side passion project and then did some keyword research and realized there was an opportunity for a quick blog post.
Sometimes my blog posts are just as important to me as they are to the general audience because they are my version of bookmarks. But rather than just link to a site, I like to take a little time and investigate the actual product futher.
It’s a win-win and it also allowed me to link my ‘Stop Suffering for Your Art‘ post I published last week which might be relevant to the type of traffic it is targetted to.
Do you know these royalty free music sites?
So it turns out there are way more free royalty free music sites out there than I thought existed. People are willing to give away some of their best work in exchange for recognition.
It kinda’ sounds like bloggers really, offering up nuggets of information in exchange for an affiliate click-thru or product purchase.
Hey and I even found a website by ‘Moby’ offering free ‘Moby’ music for non-commercial work. Who would have thought?
Blogtober Day 18
After a bit of a crazy night out I dedicated this post to the awesome people I was chatting to the night before who asked how to setup up a blog in Australia.
Apparently, because we live on an island we think we are isolated from the rest of the world, which is far from the truth. If you have the Internet then you are global in my opinion. Just because you choose to think local, doesn’t mean we aren’t all connected.
So this blog post is about starting a blog in Australia which as I point out is very similar to starting a blog anywhere.
How to Start a Blog in Australia
I think the take-home message from this post was you need to know where your target audience lives before considering localizing yourself to a particular country. Personally I enjoy looking at blogs from other countries because I enjoy the language and the cultural nuances.
If you only want your message to be delivered locally you can tell Google to do this using their Google Webmaster Tools.
Blogtober Day 19
This is a follow-up to the blog post I did a few days back because I discovered YouTubes Audio Library has really expanded in the last few months. And after doing my keyword research realised there was a bigger opportunity to expand on this niche post.
Again I had personal reasons for doing the research so I thought I’d create a blog post to further leverage my time doing the research. Isn’t that what blogging is about anyway? Something sparks your imagination and all of a sudden a blog post opportunity opens up.
How to get Royalty Free Music for Youtube
Some of the less exciting stuff in the blog post are the most important messages such as ensuring you have met the correct music licensing requirements. Nobody wants to spend weeks on producing something awesome, only to be hit by a DMCA Takedown because they were using illegal backing tracks.
Take the time to read the licensing agreement and if a website doesn’t provide one then avoid the future headache and find another site to use.
Blogtober Day 20
Ok, I’ve got an attention span of a two-year-old child, and was looking into Udemy courses when I discovered how building a Udemy Course could also be good for your blog.
It turns out there is a healthy looking backlink that’s available to Udemy Instructors and as an added benefit it might be another way to drive some extra traffic to your blog.
I’ve set myself an ambitious target of submitting my Udemy course within a week and are happy to say I’m ahead of schedule as of today.
How creating Udemy Courses will help your blog
Despite the backlink opportunity, it’s also a great way to increase your Authority in your niche. And perhaps the experience you get could ultimately help when you decide to create a membership site where you’d provide these sorts of courses to your members anyway.
For now I’m concentrating on getting one course ready and then I’ll be moving over to the Kindle Book scene where there are other opportunities for solid backlinks. More on that later.
Blogtober Day 21
When you enter the world of professional blogging you soon discover many software products that are designed to help you be more than just a one person blogging machine. There are only so many hours in the day (and night) so who doesn’t need a little extra help sometimes.
The problem with all these extra time effienciecy tools is most are sold in the Software as a Service (SasS) model and it doesn’t take too long before your subscriptions madness start to get out of hand.
I know mine have.
Has the World gone Subscription Mad?
In this post, I explore the opportunities vendors have in making the SaaS model a lot easier on the new Blogger or online business owner. I also cover a few tips for the end-user on how to get the software they want at the price they can afford.
When you’re serious about blogging and want to progress faster, then your only option is to buy into the SasS model and increase your output. Of course, you can also outsource this work, but sometimes you just can’t let go of your baby.
Blogtober Day 22
I’ve been watching a few YouTube shows lately and have been really impressed by the production over at InsideQuest. It’s a strange format as the show is primarily produced for the staff at the Quest Nutrition company.
However, it shows a great leadership by the three founders of the company and is certainly a solid investment in knowledge for the staff.
Anyway, one show I was watching was talking about a 10 year life reboot to ensure you are still learning and haven’t become stagnant.
One of the audience members then asked a question of the panel and it was totally turned back on her. What happened next was amazing.
One woman gets a ticket to change her life – says no thanks
I don’t want to spoil the blog post but I was amazed at the direction this one woman took. If you were offered a once in a life-time opportunity to ‘blow up your life’ would you take it?
What if I reminded you that we only live once. Life is short but what does that mean to you?
Blogtober Day 23
Finally, we have the last blog post in Blogtober week 3 that was a return to some good old-fashioned blogging tips. Yes, some useful tips on how to best promote your blog.
You see once you’ve created a blog post, you still have to promote it.
People often overlook this basic step and find several years later that blogging was harder than they thought. When really they just didn’t know how to promote their blog.
How to promote a blog
There are some good tips in this post but none more important than the last one where I remind everyone to re-promote old content. I’ve written about the value of producing Evergreen Content before and this is exactly why you create it.
So you can continue to promote it for years to come, and slowly build its readership reach.
So that’s a wrap for Blogtober Week 3 and now it’s the final run into the finish line. Just one more week of this craziness to go although I’ve already started writing up my lessons learned during Blogtober post.
If you’ve enjoyed a particular blog post I’d love to hear about it. Otherwise, it’s just me and the crickets 😉