How to Host a Blogging Party
Can you imagine being a blogger but lack the real motivation to get started?
Maybe it’s the fear of failure that’s holding you back?
Blogging can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t need to be if you’re blogging with your friends.
Instead of that next girls movie night, have a Blogging Party instead.
Would you rather do this thing alone?
Parties are always fun, and a shared experience is something that brings us closer together. Don’t you remember those shared experiences more vividly, than the conversations you had last week on the phone?
Blogging together with friends will make you more accountable for your blog and just like with a Book Club, it could be a way to go deeper into a friendship.
You see when you each choose to blog about your passions, you may just learn something about your friends, that you never really knew. This in turn opens up an opportunity to be more present in their lives.
Sounds great doesn’t it?
But wait there’s more to this story. It could also be a way to earn a little extra pocket money, or to save up for a holiday that you normally couldn’t afford. Maybe your goal is to each earn enough so you can have a girls pampering getaway. It could be fun right?
If you want to understand more on how bloggers make money, then grab my report on the 25 Ways That Bloggers Make Money. But it’s not always about the money is it?
If this idea sounds just right for you and your friends, then let me show you how easy it is.
The Blogging Party Plan – Blueprint
First you’ll need a host for the party, and as it’s unlikely your friends are reading this I’m guessing that’ll be you.
Next, compile a list of your closest friends, then choose 3 or 4 to invite to your blogging party. There is strength in numbers, but you don’t want this group to be too large to manage and be feeling overwhelmed.
The Invite
Now, send them an email invite explaining you are needing their help to get started on your blogging journey, and invite them to come to your blogging party. Don’t forget to remind them to bring a tablet or laptop to the party, so they can join in.
Here’s a sample email template:-
Hey <Friends Name>
It’s been a while since we’ve done something fun together and I’m really needing your energy to get into blogging. So, I’ve decided to host a Blogging Party! You Interested?
Just in case your wondering, there isn’t buying or selling and it’s not like, Tupperware or Amway. Blogging is a way us girls can have a fun shared experience, and find out a little more about each other.
I’ll prepare some nibbles and you can bring a drink if you like.
Oh, and bring your tablet or laptop so you can join in too.
<Your Name>
Of, course you need to tailor it specifically to your friends, but hey I’m a guy and that’s the best I could do with my limited experiences 😉 I’m sure you’ll be more creative 😉
When you get a few positive replies, you can move to the next step.
Learn About Blogging
Hopefully, you know a little about blogging already, but if you are a complete novice, you’ll need to learn a little about it to be the authority in your group. Someone, needs to take the lead right?
There is plenty of good information on the Internet about how to blog, but you may just find enough information you’re looking for on this site. I also, have a 7-day Jumpstart Course, if you are looking to accelerate your learning curve. It could also be a good reference to use at the party.
Your alternative is to wait until the Blogging Party, then learn and explore together, but it might be more fun if you concentrate on getting your blogs started on that first night together.
You’re Going to Need Another Host
Of course, you’re going to be a great Blogging Party Host, but you’ll soon discover that you’ll need somewhere to host your blogs.
Your options are:
Free WordPress Hosting: If you want to just create a hobby blog for the fun of it, then you can set up a free WordPress blog at
Warning: If your intention is to make a little extra pocket money, or save for a group holiday then you should choose Cheap WordPress Hosting instead, because won’t allow you to earn money until you are super successful. However by then you would have moved to a more flexible paid solution anyway. Start off on the right foot and buy some cheap hosting for the party
Paid Hosting Solution
I’ve always, paid for my Blog Hosting because I want the flexibility to choose the themes, plugins and be able to monetize my blog whenever I like. Choosing a Paid Hosting Solution ensures you own the blog and can do as you please.
Plus, it’s really cheap and you can get it for less the price of a large coffee per month. Wow!
Now, for a Blogging Party you have a few options. You can each purchase a Paid Blog Hosting Solution or you can share costs and add your domains onto one unlimited plan. Here is a simple guide to setting up your Blog with the company I prefer. Just choose the mid priced option if you want to all share the same plan.
16 Steps to setting up your WordPress Blog
If you’re still undecided as to why you should pay for your blog then take a read of this guide that I put together.
On the Night
When the blogging party night finally arrives make sure, you introduce everyone and socialise a little before diving into the technical stuff. Setting up a blog can be a little boring especially if someone forgot to bring a laptop.
On the first night just talk a little about blogging and what opportunities it brings. Mention money and that pampering holiday if that’s what motivates your friends.
If you’ve got a whiteboard handy, do a little brainstorming for each attendee to better refine their passion. Then use tools like a Blog Name Generator to actually find a web domain that’s actually available. By the end of the night, you’ll want to get everyone fired up about blogging, because there are those self-doubt moments that come later.
If you’ve got time near the end and aren’t too tipsy then start working through setting up everyone’s blog. Alternatively, mark sure everyone signs up to a free starters course like the one I mentioned earlier. This 7-day Blog Jumpstart Course will actually take you through a basic blog hosting set-up anyway.
Tidy up a few Loose Ends
After everyone has left the party, ensure you follow them up for feedback on how it all went. Honest feedback is important and it’s ok if others didn’t share your new passion for blogging. But it’s always nice if a few friends join in.
For those that want to continue after having a few days cooling off, organize a follow-up party to make sure everyone is on a similar page.
Meeting regularly every week, is a great way to ensure everyone stays on track and is accountable for posting something.
Make sure you take the time to read each others blog posts and comment and provide honest feedback where you can. Remember your initial goal of saving a little money for a holiday, well you all want to have success at the same time so make sure no one is left behind.
If done right, this could be the start of an awesome friendship and one that’ll continue for years to come. Remember that blogging is a long term journey, so don’t try to rush results.
But most of all HAVE FUN doing it.
So I think that’s a wrap. If you have any burning questions then contact me on twitter @DIYBlogGuy or leave a comment below.