I hate my WordPress themes provider for being too awesome!
I know, it’s a shallow first world problem to have, but the company I use for my professional WordPress Themes is just doing too good a job.
Yes, Themify I’m talking to you!
You see I started blogging using the free templates widely available for WordPress but soon discovered I was missing that ‘thing‘. You know the thing that makes an 80% almost there web design into an awesome website that meets your expectations, plus more.
We’ve all been there haven’t we? Well, if you haven’t then I guess you’re happy with mediocre and 80% is close enough. Good for you.
But for me, that ‘thing‘ is important and I’d spend way too much time looking for that perfect plugin, or WordPress theme to fit my needs. Often spending hours or days looking for it. There had to be a better way.
Then I found a lot of new bloggers use the Thesis theme for WordPress and although this theme is popular I was not happy and continued my search. Then, one day I stumbled upon Themify and was literally blown away.
You see I’ve worked with customizable themes before and after the initial learning curve, you reach a plateau of new features and your website starts to become tired again. This was until I discovered Themify.
I was initially drawn to Themify due to the awesome demo’s they provide, but what sold me was the price. Yes, I purchased a year’s Themify Club membership for the price of One Premium Theme on other sites. Bargain!!!
But what I didn’t expect was still to come.
So like a kid with a new toy, I downloaded a few themes and skinned them with the ready made templates and voila an instant website, and another and another. Yes, I was becoming hooked and for those that know me as the DIYBlogGuy, you’d start to notice a theme in my website designs (no pun intended).
Yes, I’ve been moving more and more of my websites onto Themify themes, because once you’ve paid for the club membership, you can install them an unlimited amount of times. And that’s saved me a heap of money. Cha-ching!
Now here’s the rub.
I can’t help playing with these themes because there are 101 ways to style them, customize them and make them rock your website. However, unlike traditional themes, you can customize each page or make the theme just flow through the entire site. The choice is totally yours.
And just as I think I’ve seen it all and can’t believe it could get any better, they release another awesome WordPress theme, yes I hate you Themify for being too Awesome! Just have a look at their latest WordPress Theme titled ‘Split’ and tell me you don’t just want to create a website or blog to use it.
I know I do!
The best thing about these new WordPress themes is, each new template uses existing features so they are essentially building on the foundations of the successful templates before them. I also purchased their Builder Addons which adds even more functionality. See the ‘Pricing Table’ addon in action on my Hosting Comparison page. It made formatting that page a cinch.
What this means to you is, once you’ve learnt to get around, you’ll use the same set of skills for customising the newer themes as they become available. And that’ll save you a heap of time if you are like me and like to create new websites or just improve the look of existing ones on a regular basis. I’m no designer and yet I’m having fun designing these websites.
Oh, and before I forget, their support is awesome too and I always find they’re responsive to support tickets, even when it’s just something silly I’ve done.
And as with everything I recommend you can always ask me a question if you get stuck because I only recommend the products that rock my world and will totally rock yours. Yes, I use these products every day so I’ll be the first to know if their products or service goes south, but in this case Themify has been rock solid.
Yes, I hate my WordPress theme provider for being too awesome and hope you will too!
Let me know in the comments if you use Themify for your website or blog templates.
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