Getting Back on Track using a Blog
If you’re feeling a little lost and need to get back on track in life then stay tuned as I take you through some valuable tips and tricks to getting back on track using a blog.
You see I started blogging a few years ago, and “LOVED IT’, often writing each day and generally getting stuff done. I was like a machine and blogging was a way for me to help exit the rat race and choose my own path in this life.
And everything was going great until one day, I wandered onto another path.
Yep, I meandered down this other path for a little while, then suddenly realized I had lost my way but I discovered;
Blogging wasn’t something I wanted to do.
Blogging was something I needed to do.
Yep, my initial focus was to make money blogging, and this appeared to drive me forward, but more recently I’ve discovered that blogging was part of my daily routine, and once I stopped, my routine fell apart.
Yes, I need blogging in my life.
Getting Back on Track using a Blog
It seems strange to say but blogging is the way I connect with my inner self and every time I share something with the world I am also taking the time to clarify my own thoughts.
Yep, your blogs will absolutely be about you and your thoughts even if you think you are writing for someone else.
Tip #1 – Write about something you love
My aim was to develop a writing habit in anticipation of writing a book one day, so I challenged myself to write a 1000 words per day and I was crushing it.
Of course, writing on one blog wasn’t going to keep me sane, so I diversified into a number of different niches to keep me interested, and it worked.
And at first, not being a natural writer I struggled with my writing, but over time I simply got better and before long 1000 words didn’t seem like much of an effort at all.
But more importantly, I was developing a writing habit, with actually formed part of my daily routine.
Tip #2 – Develop a writing habit
Well, actually it worked too well, as I seemed to be registering a new domain every few months. And soon I became a little overwhelmed with the upkeep of the many blogs I had created.
My solution was to take a break and focus on something completely unrelated, which I thought was working for me.
But it wasn’t.
Well, it was actually working for me but I totally discarded my daily routine and forgot to develop a new routine around this new thing.
Learning something new is hard, and you’ll be faced with many challenges and much procrastination before you master it. Having a daily routine helps you to feel like you’ve accomplished something in your day.
Even the simple task of making your bed each day is a step in the right direction.
So the lesson learned is to slowly transition into something new and hold onto your daily routine until you’ve developed another.
Tip #3 – Find your feet before letting go of the sides
Yes, I jumped into something new, and it took me a while to find my way back to the safety of the edge. But now I’m here again, it feels more natural to be sharing my thoughts with the world.
Blogging can be a great release in this way.
A way to impart your knowledge in a meaningful way and not to simply bore your friends with trivial things they don’t find interesting.
As a blogger, you are writing for the people who are interested in what you have to say.
Yes, people are actually looking to learn the stuff you already know. What?
Tip #4 – You are absolutely an expert to someone
Let’s consider why people use the Internet.
Primarily it’s used for entertainment, news and education, with social media touching each of these categories.
However, before social media there was blogging, so it’s not surprising to see bloggers already established in each of these spaces.
And just because there are already experts teaching people the things you know, it doesn’t mean you can’t find a little space to operate in.
You see the experts are likely to be teaching people to become experts, so what about the people just starting out.
Can you offer these people a path to get started?
Tip #5 – Working your way to the top is a solid choice
As a blogger your objective is to learn, grow and share your journey along the way. Sure you can just try and sell the latest ‘big’ thing but one thing you’ll learn about selling is, it all stems from trust.
To sell anything to your readers you first need to establish trust and then people might be interested in what you’re offering.
If you’ve ever found yourself on a landing page and with no way to back out, you know exactly what I’m saying. There’s no trust on those types of websites and even if they make a sale, it’s usually going to leave the purchaser with buyer regret.
So instead of going for the quick sale, consider building your brand first, then consider how you’ll make money with your blog.
Blogging does take time and isn’t the quick fix you need when you really need money fast, but over the long term, blogging is a solid path to getting back on track.
Tip #6 – Blogging is a solid path to getting back on track
You see blogging will give you direction, a path and help you to feel like you’ve accomplished something each and every day. Then when it becomes a habit it’ll just be another part of your daily routine.
But more importantly, you’ll be working on something ‘big’, that one day could help you leave the daily grind and begin to make your own way in life.
Yes, if you own your own blog or website, and give it some love every now and again, it’ll be there when you need it the most.
For me, that time is right now, and as I reach 1000 words, it feels good to be getting back on track.
And now I’ve always got this blog post to refer to when I feel myself drifting away again.
If you’ve wondered if blogging will get you back on track, then learn how to start your own blog. And then take a look around this website, for some tips and tricks on making blogging part of your daily routine.
Who knows, you might even enjoy it and make some money along the way.