How to Increase Blog Traffic for Free
Build it and they will come are the hopes and dreams of every blogger, but eventually, you’ll probably want to know how to increase blog traffic for free? The reality is, that build it and they will come doesn’t really work this way. Well, perhaps not in the short term anyway. When you first get started […]
Do you know these royalty free music sites? – Updated 2017
Are you looking for royalty free music sites for your current video project? Sure there are plenty of ways to download ‘free’ music but you don’t want to get caught in a costly legal battle or worst still have to back pay royalties to the owner of the music you’ve used. You should always make […]
Renew and refresh your old blog posts in 2017
If you’re like me and have some old blog posts that aren’t performing well in Google Search you can renew and refresh your old blog posts and get them back in front of Google and your readers. You see unless people actually use the search button on your website they might never find the awesome […]
Should you buy a dot Blog domain name for your blog?
Recently Automattic, the company behind, released .blog website extensions into the public domain, but should you buy a dot Blog domain name for your blog? Firstly let me clarify that is a commercial company and probably not the company you are using to host your Blog. It’s likely you’re are using which […]
How to Bulk Upload Images to the WordPress Media Library
Today you’ll learn how to bulk upload images to the WordPress Media Library using a plugin called ‘Add From Server’. That’s right there’s always a free WordPress plugin for just about anything you’ll need and this is why I recommend WordPress over any other blogging platform. The community just makes it easy for you to […]
Post Planner Review – The Pitfalls of the Subscription Model
As a full-time blogger I like to recommend products and tools that’ll help you to grow as a blogger but in this Post Planner Review, I also feel the need to warn you of the Pitfalls of the Subscription Model. Often the Subscription Model begins with a free trial or something similar and then perhaps you’ll get […]
Getting Back on Track using a Blog
If you’re feeling a little lost and need to get back on track in life then stay tuned as I take you through some valuable tips and tricks to getting back on track using a blog. You see I started blogging a few years ago, and “LOVED IT’, often writing each day and generally getting stuff […]
How to Use Blogging to Improve your Life Balance
Today I’m going to share with you a way you can use blogging to improve your Life Balance. You see life is really short, and if you’re not living it then what gets you up in the morning? I started blogging a few years ago now to improve my Life Balance and was moving ahead, kicking goals […]
Make Money on YouTube using Your Blog
If you want to make money on YouTube then don’t forget about using your blog to help you get more views. In fact, a blog and YouTube have really good synergies and should always be used to complement each other. I discovered this last year when I was still a full-time blogger and was publishing a […]
Starting a Craft Blog – Keeping it in the Family
One of the great things about blogging is being able to share your knowledge with family and friends and one of the things I recently shared was how to start a craft blog. Of course, they might not always understand what you are trying to do, but as soon as you show them the numbers it […]