10 Inspirational Quotes to Start Your Day
Do you need a little inspiration to start your day? We all need a little extra inspiration when our path is no longer clear. Here are some of my favorite Inspirational Quotes and what they mean to me. Of course, they may mean something completely different to you, but that’s what makes them good quotes. When you have a […]
How to do Keyword Research and get more traffic to your blog
Are you still confused with Keyword Research and how you can use it to get more traffic to your blog? It’s OK, you’re not alone. I’ve spent a lot of time learning the techniques behind Keyword Research and although it might make sense to me, perhaps it doesn’t make sense to you and how it relates […]
How to Write a Blog Post in 10 Easy Steps
Congratulations you’ve started a blog, but now you’re expected to actually write something, edit and publish. No, you’re not required to write a blog post every day but you should write something daily just to keep your writers streak alive. The following 10 simple steps will show you how to write a blog entry that […]
Blogtober Week 3 – Roundup Post
Well this roundup couldn’t have come at a better time, because it’s already late in the day and I was only just sitting down to write something for Blogtober. Now I’m too close to the end to give up on my writing streak so this should be an easy one to pump out. That said […]
How to promote a blog
Yay! you’ve just finished you first blog post, so you sit back and just wait until some readers start visiting your site. You wait and not a peep from them. You think maybe this Internet thing is broken, so you call a friend and get them to check they can see your website. Yep, it’s there and […]
One woman gets a ticket to change her life – says no thanks
It’s the thing dreams are made of. Here you are sitting in front of ready made millionaire and asking all kinds of goofy questions like ‘In which ways do you blow up your life’. OK, it’s a little out of context but essentially Jason Nazar was earlier suggesting that we all should live a challenging […]
Has the World gone Subscription Mad?
Have you noticed the new craze going on? Vendors call it Software as a Service, but consumers simply know it as another subscription. Yes, there appears to be a subscription model for just about anything these days. What was once the domain of your telecommunication providers or cable company has now branched into all sorts of services […]
How creating Udemy Courses will help your blog
I’ve been collecting Udemy courses for a little over a year now, and every time I see Free Udemy Courses being advertised I find myself sifting through the chaff to add yet another 3+ hours of learning to my growing collection. I did reach a peak of almost 100 Udemy courses at one time but some […]
How to get Royalty Free Music for Youtube
Do you have a YouTube video that needs some background music? Perhaps you’ve uploaded an awesome GoPro video and now need a killer backing track, but you don’t want to risk having it taken down because you get a DCMA Slap. It’s a total minefield out there and there’s nothing worse than creating your work, becoming […]
How to Fuel Your Inner Creativity with a Blog Name Generator
Having trouble finding cool blog names for your new blog? Of course you could just settle for a good blog name, but you’ll still find those are already snapped up. So after many hours of constant ‘not available’ disappointments you decide to play with creative blog names instead, which ultimately makes your original blog name idea look unrecognisable. So, you take a deep breath… […]