Free WordPress Help with Every New Blog
For a limited time, I’m excited to offer Free WordPress Help with every new blog that’s started using my blog hosting links.
That’s right, you can now get help with WordPress when you choose to sign-up for a new self-hosted block through my website.
Any affiliate commissions I receive help to fund my online dream, so I want to make sure I’m giving you plenty of value in return as a way to say thanks.
What’s the Offer?
Well actually, it’s much more than just WordPress Help, it’s actually a 1 Hour One-on-One Skype Call with me (the DIYBlogGuy) or email correspondence if you aren’t fond of Skype Calls.
And you can ask me anything relating to your blog, including your ideas, dreams or even the technical stuff, like ‘how do I get started with my blog’.
I want to make sure any self-doubts you have about starting your blog are addressed and you can get started on this potential life changing journey, today.
You see starting a blog or a website will be one of the most rewarding actions you’ll take this year. And although you might not realize it yet, it’ll open new doors and let you close some old doors behind you.
But having an idea isn’t enough.
You need to take action!
Here are a few ways you could use your one-on-one session with me.
WordPress Help (1-hour)
Yep, I’ve got you covered with any WordPress questions you might have. And in just 1 hour I can help you setup your blog, and give you a few WordPress pointers along the way.
Sometimes help with WordPress is all you need to begin feeling more confident about becoming a blogger, and it’s one less excuse you’ll have to prevent you from starting.
And as a BONUS, I can even give you access to my Udemy WordPress Course that runs through every feature of WordPress. You’ll learn what each WordPress menu item does and how you use it.
Moving WordPress to a Self-Hosted Blog (1-hour)
OK, this one is a little trickier to complete in 1 hour but I’m happy to work through an action plan with you, so you’ll understand all the requirements of moving your blog to self-hosted.
Some companies will charge you hundreds of dollars for this help, and that’s why I usually recommend people start with a self-hosted blog, so they save time and money down the track.
However, you have options, so let’s talk them through first.
Ask Me Anything (15 mins)
Sometimes, you can spend hours searching the Internet, for answers to your blogging questions. And although this can be fun, it’s not the most productive use of your time.
Perhaps you have just one or two questions you’d like to ask before you get started on your blogging journey.
Maybe you can’t think of a good name for your blog and this is stopping you from getting started and need someone with 10+ years experience online to give you some ideas.
Or maybe you just want to work out if blogging is actually going to be right for you.
You can ask me anything, and I’ll try to give you the best possible advice.
And because you might have questions before you sign-up for blog hosting, these 15-minute sessions won’t require any purchase.
Although I’ll have a limited amount of time set aside for these Skype calls available each day. First in best dressed.
Keywords Planner (1-hour)
So maybe you know how to start a blog, have used WordPress before and know exactly where you’re heading, but just need to get off on the right foot with this new blog.
Perhaps you’ve read some of my articles about keyword research and need help finding some keywords perfect for your niche.
Well, I can help with this too, and we can mull over some keyword ideas for your first few posts, to ensure you’re able to get indexed in Google quickly.
Ask Me Anything Else (1-hour)
OK, I’m sure I’ve missed something, so this one is just to remind you we can talk about anything you like. I’ve been out of the rat race for a year now and are happy to answer any lingering questions you may have about, making blogging your full-time passion.
I can give you realistic advice on blogging, what works and what doesn’t.
In reality, blogging is a longer game than people recognize but there are still plenty of opportunities out there if you are prepared to put in the work.
How Much is this Going to Cost?
This time is FREE to you as a thank-you for using one of my affiliate links to either of my recommended blogging options.
And using my affiliate links doesn’t actually cost you any more money than going directly to the hosting companies website, and in some cases may actually save you more money as I sometimes get further discounts I can pass on to you.
The two self-hosted website companies I use and recommend are:-
iPage is a great entry level shared hosting company and actually hosted this blog for the first year of its life. It’s perfect for those people who just want to dip their toe in the water with very little expense.
If you use this link you can get your own self-hosted WordPress blog for $1.99 per month. Yep, that’s less than $25 USD per year. (Although I recommend grabbing 24 months when you sign-up)
Plus you get a free domain name for a year. (normally $15)
And of course, you get 1-hour of my time for WordPress help or other.
You won’t find a cheaper way to get started with your blog.
Alternatively, you can use the link in the Step-by-Step Guide for iPage
Bluehost is the other shared hosting company I recommend and have used them actively for over 10 years now. They offer an interface that’s a little more user-friendly and have an excellent upgrade path, for when your blog starts becoming popular.
If you use this link, you can get your own self-hosted WordPress blog from $3.95 per month although you need to purchase a 36-month plan to get that super cheap rate.
Plus you get a free domain name for a year (normally $15)
And of course, you get 1-hour of my time for WordPress help or other.
Alternatively, you can use link in the Step-by-Step Guide for Bluehost
So there’s no better time to start you WordPress Blog and enjoy some free WordPress Help at no extra cost.
If you want to take advantage of this offer just sign-up with either of these two hosting companies using my link and then drop me an Email to book some time to chat, letting me know the date and time you signed up.
And of course, if you just want to book a 15-minute Ask Me Anything chat then feel free to contact me via Email and we can book a time.
Finally, I’d like to thank-you for your continued support and hope I’ve just made starting your blog a little easier.
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